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Yellow Door Top 5 Books

1.How to Raise an Adult:

by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Why you should read it

The key message of this book is that though fashionable, overparenting is highly detrimental to children. It stresses them out and denies them opportunities to develop essential skills, ultimately serving as a barrier to success. It explores a better way to teach kids to be independent, make decisions, and allow them to follow their own paths. 

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2. The Smartest Kids in the World:

by Amanda Ripley

Why you should read it

This book explores the education systems in the US and takes a look at other countries' education systems and makes comparisons. This book gives us some insights into what needs to improve from a systemic point of view and what we as parents can do to give your children opportunities for learning and thriving in today’s struggling education s

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3. The Hurried Child

by David Elkind

Why you should read it

This book really looks at why our western society children are struggling between being a child physically, mentally, and emotionally in an everchanging world that expects them to behave with adults' responses. David really breaks down the different elements of why our children are struggling with their mental health. From the increase of competitive sports and the shift in values around what important for our children on the, playing field and our responses to that as a parent is closely related to our job satisfaction and security as parents as well as we divorce and separation increase how it impacts our children. He discusses the subtleness of these current modern situations has on the average child

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4. 13 Thing Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do:

by Amy Morin

Why you should read it

This book teaches parents how to raise mentally strong and resilient children. The book helps you reflect on your values and goals of parenting. She shares why you shouldn’t make your children be the center of your universe and why we sometimes allow our parenting fears to dictate our why and our high expectations of our children will backfire. 

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5. The Orchid and the Dandelion:

by W. Thomas Boyce

Why you should read it

This study by a pediatric health expert considers why children with the greatest potential are also the ones likely to struggle. He really opens the door to help us understand and considering why children in one family can be and experience life so differently.

A sensitive or resilient child? This book certainly gives us some insight into parenting children and askes us to look our children's personality through the lens of two flowers the orchid being one often described as the sensitive child often the most creative although needs the right conditions to thrive and the Dandelion often referred to the resilient child. 

Yellow Door 

Top 5 Podcast 

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Parenting Todays Teens 

Hosted by

Mark Gregston

Why you should listen

A 1-minute thought-provoking podcast about raising teens in this millennia. Plus a bonus 30-minute program on weekends.

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The Modern Dad Podcast

Hosted by

City Dads Group

Why you should listen

Extremely interesting as they begin the conversation about a hot topic in relation to parenting. The interviews are always thought-provoking and, although this podcast is for Dads, I think it’s a great podcast for couples who are raising both boys and girls in today’s society.

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The Simplicity Parenting Podcast

Hosted by

Kim John Payne

Why you should listen

Kim John Payne gives you research base information on how our parenting approach affects our children. Both positively and negatively and gives insights and practical advice on how to create change.  

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WISE Parenting Podcast

Hosted by

Alexandra Scherzer&Dr Solomon

Why you should listen

This podcast is affirming how we feel as parents. It's geared to new parents and yet helpful advice for any parent regardless of your child or children’s ages. Great information packed with up-to-date topics so pick and choose the discussions you feel may be helpful for you and your family.

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On Boys

Hosted by

Jennifer L.W. Fink, Janet Allison

Why you should listen

Up-to-date information on current parenting issues around the globe in regards to parenting boys.  Upfront discussions with honest questions and answers from the host to the guest speaker about the influences, both overt and subliminal, that impact how we parent boys today. 

Yellow Door

Top 5 parenting 

Ted Talks 

How to Raise Successful Kids Without Over-Parenting

by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Former dean of Stanford University and mother of two shares her viewpoint on how we as parents have moved into a parenting style that involves a checklist. Julie shares her thoughts on how impactful this style of parenting is having on children and teens’ mental and emotional wellbeing.  

The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

by Temple Grandin

Temple opens our minds as parents and educators to rethink how we support value children’s uniqueness and gifts when they do not fall into the average child.

As well as some insights into how she thinks differently and how it allows her to solve problems that most people struggle with and it is in her uniqueness that she is able to use her gifts of a visual thinker, pattern thinker, and verbal thinking as a diagnosed autistic person to create amazing inventions that we all have benefited from.  

The Unexpected Benefit of Celebrating Failure

by Astro Teller

This Ted Talk gives us parents the beauty of different perspectives and a shift in our mindset can create achievement. If she allows opportunity like this and he invites family discussions the value of having that different mindset that can create a boundless opportunity for every family member.

For Parents, Happiness Is a Very High Bar

by Jennifer Senior

Jennifer shares her thoughts on the complexity of parenting children today. The facts that we bombarded with information overload and a drive to have the best be the best and expect the best. Jennifer opens the conversation and reflection of parenting today, Vs parenting yesterday, and the confusion and how we have redefined our parenting purpose.

Also, Jennifer shares some useful research!

All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

by Andi Puddicombe

This ted talk is a reminder to present in our day to day life. A great way to explore and present mindfulness to you and your family and be rewarded by the benefits. 

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